martes, 23 de noviembre de 2021

Post 7: Changes to your Study Program

 Hi everyone, 

Today I'll talk about changes that I would made to my study program. First I think that the music careers are way too long, ones a heard a teacher that said that we needed all those years to get to be a really good musician, but I don't think so, because in other countries, where it last 4 years (here is 8 years, or more), you can see amazing musicians, so a really don't think it should last that long. About the program itself, I think it is okay, we do get all the information that we need, but there are some useless subjects, all they do is make the career even longer, so if I could, I would cut them off.  

When it comes to the infrastructure it's just bad, I mean it could be worst, but most of the things in the classroom are really old, or they don't work, and the soundproofing between rooms it's not the best either.  I think this is the weakness part of the faculty, because the teachers, excluding some particular cases, are really good, I think they are the best thing that the university has.

In my particular case the teaching methods have worked, but for some of my classmates haven't, so I don't really know what to say about that,

Besides all that I do love my career and I'm grateful for some of the teachers that I met through the years.

Thanks for reading.

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2021

Post 6: Time Travel to the Future

Hi everyone,

It is difficult for me to imagine just one future and I'm a little pessimistic, or realistic if you prefer. I think that, one possible future would be like Wall-E, full of garbage, an earth where is not possible to live, and where we are going to build spaceships and leave the earth.

I think this is a very possible future, if we keep this road, and the human keep killing everything that we think it belong to us. Nature is dyiing, that is the truth. I just hope there is something we can do about it.
There is another one, where we are going to depend on the technology, but not like in a good way, I don't know if this is possible or not, but if we keep on develop this "smart" technology, it could happen
It could take control if we are not careful.
In any case, I wouldn't like to go there, If it is like I imagine, or maybe I'm just watching to much TV, but I rather not to risk.
Besides my family and friends are here, right now, so a don't need anything else.

Post 8: English Language Challenges

 Hi everyone, This time I address to the miss, and I just want to say thank you,  I really think that thanks to the way that you teach I...